Photo project of our Bachelors

School life
Monday, June 10, 2024

A few weeks ago, our Bachelors students were immersed for several weeks in an exciting captioned photo reportage project.

Our two graduating classes each had different subjects to write about: 

The Bachelors in Digital & Tourism were asked to immortalize a character trait or special feature of their town, village or neighborhood, while the Bachelors in Digital & E-Commerce were asked to capture a profession, a passion or a place.

The aim was to create visual and textual content with a strong emotional impact, to tell a story with a logical and coherent flow, and to be able to adapt their content to an identified target. We also asked them to be creative.

Their work took two forms: a written dossier listing all their shots and the associated captions, and identifying the targets selected for each photo. They then individually took part in a 30-minute oral presentation to present their project and discuss it with a panel of professional judges.

Our Bachelors students were able to capture beautiful emotions through their work on unique shots, and lived up to expectations. We warmly congratulate them on this achievement.

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