What to do after a BTS NDRC?

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The NDRC Advanced Technician's Certificate focuses on sales techniques, customer relations and the use of digital tools in the commercial field. This diploma trains students in customer relationship management, both at In-person and via digital channels, and prepares them for positions such as sales representative, customer relationship manager or web marketer.

Despite the quality and legitimacy of the BTS NDRC on the market, this training does not sufficiently cover the crucial aspects of marketing and digital, and even less new technologies. Yet these notions are essential in today's professional world.

If you're thinking of continuing your studies in this field, there's one path that could be of great interest to you: the marketing and digital professions.

Here are the possibilities for continuing your studies while acquiring expertise in the fields of marketing and digital.

One-year Bachelor's degree after BTS NDRC (Bac+3)

Crews offers a Bachelor's degree in Digital & E-Commerce, leading to a state-recognized level 6 qualification (Bac+3). The course is perfect for acquiring skills in digital, marketing and the particularities of online sales (e-commerce), so you can make the difference in the marketplace.

You can also specialize in marketing with our Bachelor's degree in Digital Marketing, which also delivers a state-approved level 6 qualification (Bac+3). This Bachelor's degree is perfectly suited to strengthening your skills in digital and digital marketing professions, covering acquisition, conversion and retention.

What's more, if you're interested in the tourism industry, you can specialize directly with our Bachelors in Digital Tourism, which will give you the opportunity to develop comprehensive expertise in the tools and methods used in e-tourism. This will enable you to implement digital solutions tailored to this specific sector.

Further studies at Master after a BTS NDRC

For a longer-term perspective, you could consider continuing your studies until you obtain a Bac+5 degree, recognized at level 7. Such a degree is often favored by those with ambitions to develop skills in management, administration and strategy, with a view to occupying positions of responsibility.

In particular, Crews offers a Master Digital & Business‍‍. This training course addresses all the challenges of digital business and helps develop advanced skills in these areas: digital marketing, project management, e-commerce, data, innovation, intrapreneurship and entrepreneurship. 

Like the Bachelor's degree, it also enables you to discover how these skills are used in a wide range of sectors: tourism, hospitality, luxury goods, media, sport, sustainable development, etc. 

Crews also offers Masters with dual sector expertise. These two-year programs stand out for their innovative approach to digital strategy and new technologies applied to constantly evolving industries.

  • Master Digital & Hospitality. This program focuses on themes related to the hotel industry, and will give you the opportunity to understand all the tools and methods and put them into practice to meet the economic and social challenges of the hotel sector.
  • Master Digital & Tourism. This program is aimed at all e-tourism professions, to help you discover the challenges of innovation in tourism.
  • Master Digital & Luxury. This program aims to explore all aspects of luxury, giving you the opportunity to understand the challenges and opportunities for innovation in the luxury sector.

Choosing one of our Masters Digital courses means choosing to gain a global vision of the marketing and digital professions, because our courses offer you an overview of all the interesting opportunities available after completing your BTS NDRC.

What opportunities are there after a BTS NDRC?

After a BTS NDRC and training in digital marketing, you can apply for jobs such as :

Other courses after a BTS NDRC?

There are many other ways to further your knowledge and skills in marketing after completing a BTS NDRC. Depending on your interests, career goals, wishes and aspirations, the Crews teams can guide you towards the right course of study.

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